1/ ‘Tools of the Trade’ 77”x 100” x 20”, wood, metal, bristles. 1985. A later work from the Tools Series showing wavy handles as described.
2/ ‘Decoy Ducts’ 55’ x 50’ rooftop public art, Balboa building rooftop, Santa Barbara. CA. Commissioned work, using materials commonly used on rooftops. 1992.
3/ ‘Riddle Wheel’ Metro Blue Line, Los Angeles, 1999. Approx 10 feet tall cast wheel covered in riddles concerning the local history; a work made to reveal itself over time.
3/ ‘W’ Temporary public art project, 2006, situated on State street in Santa Barbara at the time of being told there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
4/ Tapestries made from ‘The Wheels’ drawing series 106” by 77”, 2008, (approx. 200 pen and ink drawings each 12” by 9”)
5/ Early ‘Museum for One, 2012, #3 featuring four drawings from ‘The Wheels’ series (approx. 200 pen and ink drawings each 12” by 9”)
6/ Museum for One ‘Tribute to Mari Prymechenko’ on panels featuring the work of the Ukrainian artist whose work was recently destroyed by Russian bombing., shown in an exhibit ‘The New Normal’ in 2022
7/ Museum for One exhibiting ‘Sharaku’, 2018, (52” by 40”) Prismacolor drawing on Arches paper with collage. (Print version, 40”x 30”).
8/ Museum for One exhibiting ‘Eyes of God Past and Present’, 2023 (52” by 40”) Prismacolor drawing on Arches paper with collage. (Print version, 40”x 30”).
9/ Four Museum for One’s showing various exhibits
Clockwise from top left:
A. ‘Handmaids Tale Renaissance Portraits’ , 2022,
B. ‘J6 Day of Infamy with Sugar Dots’ 2022,
C. ‘The Lost Seurat’. Exhibit in Museum for One desktop version 2018 18” by 14”
D. ‘Modern Monsters’ 2022’,
All Prismacolor on Arches paper with collage, (52” by 40”) (print versions, 40”x 30”) except ‘The Lost Seurat”
10/ IKEA style floor mounted Museum for One, exhibiting ‘Eyes of God both Past and Present’, 2018-2022, Baltic ply, frames, prints, hardware. Approx 86”x60”x 40” One of approximately ten Museum for One 3D works that include ‘floor mounted’, ‘desktop’, ‘standard’ , ‘the everyman’ and ‘classic’ versions.